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Micronaut module name changes between RC2 and RC3
Once again Perl came to my rescue!
Many years ago I used Perl to batch update Grails source code.
When Micronaut changed module names between RC2 and RC3 I took the old Perl script from my blog and changed it to add micronaut- in front of all dependencies in build.gradle. I only had 15 build.gradle files to change so I could probably have done it manually, but there's many io.micronaut dependencies in each build file so a script is more convenient and eliminate the risk of typos.
In Micronaut RC2 and earlier a io.micronaut dependency could look like this:
compile "io.micronaut:inject"
In RC3 all module names was prefixed with micronaut-
compile "io.micronaut:micronaut-inject"
Here is the Perl script that change all io.micronaut:..... lines for you:
while(<>) { if(/(io\.micronaut[^:]*):(.+)/) { print "$`$1:micronaut-$2$'"; } else { print $_; } }
Make sure you checked in all build.gradle files to your VCS before continuing.
perl -i update-micronaut-module.pl */build.gradle
-i performs inplace editing, i.e overwrites the file after completion
WARNING: Don't runt the script twice, as it will add the micronaut- prefix each time you run it.
« Tillbaka